[color=92278f][center][h3]Victor Astorio[/h3][/center][/color] The boy did not say a word; all it seemed he could do was stumble back and look to the others for help. Victor’s eyes scanned the room and the other mages more thoroughly this time. Memorizing their faces and expressions. For a moment, he wasn’t sure what they were doing glaring at them as he looked down upon them. Then a smile with the thought of the earlier feeling, [i][color=92278f]“hmm mental mages? This should be fun.”[/color][/i] Before he could talk to the boy, again another female bounded up the stairs towards him and interjected before he could say anything. [color=0072bc]“Sorry about him. We were just supposed to watch and Dennis didn't feel comfortable unless he got permission from you. Ignore him.”[/color] Hannah apologized. [color=0072bc]“Your technique is unique. We’ll be studying it so by all means, continue please.”[/color] The large vampire did not move for a moment, simply starring at the boy with a stoic presence. [color=92278f]“As you wish, I was sent here to help teach the more advanced combat students how to fight Lycans. I might as well start with all of you. I will be here to train during every lunch break that I can as well as during self-defense.”[/color] A half truth but it would work for now, he did firmly believe that everyone should know how to fight them. Before he moved back to the middle of the arena he looked towards the students. [color=92278f]“A brief warning for all of you mind readers out there. Stay out of my head, council secrets lay buried and if unearthed can get you killed.”[/color] this however was the truth and a serious warning. Looking back to the girl and Dennis, [color=92278f]“Dennis, the next time you feel obligated to ask a vampire who is training like this a question. Say it firmly without hesitation and by no means lose your footing. Some vampires like myself indulge their instincts while training and humans are natural prey. Stumbling or running from a vampire triggers a chase instinct. Stand your ground but don’t be rude, this instillation would not allow you to be harmed by someone like myself anyway.”[/color] With that, Victor turned and went back to the middle of the arena taking a defensive stance this time. By the looks of his posture and how he angled himself, it looked as if he was facing off against someone bigger than he was. When he started, all he was doing was dodging. Dodging to the sides, rolling back one way or another before lashing out at the invisible opponent. Sometimes it looked like he was blocking more than one enemy as well. Until suddenly he was nearly against the ground and striking out towards somethings feet. Before ultimately going on the offensive with vicious strikes and practiced footwork. Fighting this way until the bell for lunch rang.