[@Inkarnate] I mean you were Gowi, right? NCQuest seemed pretty banging. But idk, I just seem to have a higher opinion of you (and a much lower opinion of myself tbf/tbh, but who doesn't at least a little?). But... Sola? I don't understand. Maybe it's just my state of mind, idk. EDIT: I just stumbled on an old PM from LHG100 about making NCQuest, and now I'm just so confused. I don't remember any of this. My life is a lie. - [@pugbutter] Why, of course! You're a practitioner of heresy of the highest order! For that, your limbs shall be bound and your body buried beneath stones until it is crushed under the weight! But in all seriousness, it's no big deal. Feedback, be it questions or criticisms, is always appreciated - as long as it's not blatantly aggressive or disrespectful.