As Peter sat back down he just listened to everyone's conversation, putting his first aid kit away. A lot of whinging about today's exercise. Yeah he didn't agree with what Mr. Hayes thought about Peter stealing the bus, but it's not as if he was wrong either. Frankly being a hero [i]isn't[/i] suppose to be easy. Like he thought before, cops can take care of your typical robber or thief even if they were using quirks to do their crimes. A hero needs to be able to deal with more dangerous, less predictable stuff. [color=f7976a]"We get better with practice. That's all there is to it really. If we only do things at our level we'll never go beyond."[/color] Eira didn't really like Peter's joke, but that was expected. Once the teachers arrived and the bus took off Peter snoozed for most of the ride, sleeping as hard as a rock before they eventually came to their stop. As one of the students in the back it took some time for Peter to get off. When he did a shiver went up his spine. His clothing, though thick, weren't very warm and didn't cover him completely. It was a sunny day too; maybe it was Abby's quirk working up a bad feeling? Peter shook his head at the thought. [color=f7976a][i]"No. I can't just keep blaming Abby for every bad thing that happens. If I'm being more observant even I can avoid bad luck."[/i][/color] Peter looked around the facility. He had kind of expected a hero costume factory to look more... Unique. Like a laboratory or something. But he supposed it only makes sense that behind the flash and glamour of heroism those who support them would stick to practical, utilitarian designs. Hopefully the inside looks more interesting. Once everyone was out they were split up into two groups. Peter was with Enterprise, Gabriella, Jane, Phoebe, Renard, and Sofia. If he had to guess, Peter figured the group was split based off names. Yawning Peter joined his group, hearing Renard mention something to Freya about a noise. Peter vaguely heard a clanging sound but just figured it was factory noise, perhaps it was a steam press or something. Either way he went up to Enterprise, ready to go. [color=f7976a]"So where are we heading first?"[/color] As Peter said this, he noticed lights flickering from one of the factory windows. Normally not something he would've thought much of except how erratic it was before going dark. [color=f7976a]"Huh. Looks like they had a power outage."[/color]