Now Playing: [url=]Memories[/url] [b]Location: ???[/b] Asher opens his eyes, a clear night sky encompassing his peripheral. The stars were out, accompanied by the moon in all of its glory. He yawns, as if he had just risen from a long slumber. The feeling of grass beneath him confuses him further. Last he remembered, he had been in a palace. He sits up, about to satiate the need to stretch, when a sudden voice speaks up. “Ah! It’s about time you came to.” He flinches, startled by the sudden break in the silence. Looking towards the direction of the voice, he sees a girl. She is adorned with a black hooded cape, her face veiled by the hood. It is kept together by a singular button at the base of the neck. The coat parts, revealing a white button-down shirt, a vest with mint green trim layered on top of the shirt, black pants, and black boots to match. She laughs at his reaction, moving to sit beside him. “Who-” Before Asher can even begin, a hand protrudes from beneath her coat, causing him to pause. “Save your breath. Come with time, you’ll find the answer to that question eventually.” She lowers her hand, resting it on her lap. Asher then sighs, rubbing his face with his hands. “Ok..can you at least give me something to call you then?” He inquires. She giggles, rubbing the back of her head. “ about Usagi?” This sparks a laugh from Asher, whom also begins rubbing the back of his head. “Worry not, those feet are yours to keep. Outside of that...why does that seem so-” The rogue is once again cut off. This time, it’s by a sudden crack of thunder. Despite there being no trace of clouds in the sky above them, a singular bolt of lightning strikes Asher, the blast impacting at the center of his torso, the fiery pain spreading throughout his body. “Times up, it seems...until next time~” Usagi’s voice trails off as he begins to lose consciousness. [b]Location: Gummi Ship ‘Renovation’s Might’ Medbay[/b] Asher jolts up, immediately clutching his chest in pain from where he had felt the bolt hit him. His attempt at a glare in the direction of Felix was botched due to the grimace his face was currently adopting in response to the pain. He brings his free hand up to his Earring of Whisper, rubbing it. “Where in the hell am I?” He asks. While he knew he could easily receive an answer from the individual responsible for his rude awakening, he wanted to somehow signal to Georgia that he was ok. His labored breathing might suggest otherwise, but, he did the best he could with his tone to convince her that he was fine. [@Ryteb Pymeroce][@Gentlemanvaultboy]