[hider=Yasuhide Seo][hr][hr][center][color=#C83D29][h1]Seo Yasuhide[/h1][b] Hero name: [Under Review][/b][/color] [hider=character image][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/405964405013086218/573005033931800596/image0.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=#C83D29][i]"So, this is the freak-show circus, huh? Well, should be fun if nothing else. . ."[/i][/color] [color=darkgray][b]— Your character[/b][/color][/center] [hr][hr] [color=#C83D29][b]NAME[/b][/color] [indent]Yasuhide Seo[/indent] [color=#C83D29][b]GENDER[/b][/color] [indent]Male[/indent] [color=#C83D29][b]AGE[/b][/color] [indent]15 - "You tell me. . . but I figure sometime in April?"[/indent] [color=#C83D29][b]APPEARANCE[/b][/color] [indent][b]Height:[/b]5'5[/indent] [indent][b]Weight:[/b]175lbs[/indent] [indent][b]Fashion Sense:[/b]Seo tends to dress in layers. Form-fitting long sleeves under baggy and ripped graphic T-shirts, often with a thick jacket over it depending on the weather. Pants tend to be either slightly torn-up jeans or sturdy work pants with a lot of pockets, usually filled with some sort of snack food.[/indent] [indent][b]Distinguishing Features:[/b]Aside from being a bit pale, Seo doesn't really have anything about him that makes him a standout in a crowd.[/indent] [color=#C83D29][b]PERSONALITY[/b][/color] [indent]Seo is a quiet kid, usually keeping to himself with a book of some kind. He's not the type to try and make friends(or even conversation if he can help it), but will often draw attention to himself through his inability to keep his opinions to himself. No matter what the situation or how much trouble it's likely to get him in, Seo will snark anyone and everyone he feels deserves it at any given moment that he isn't reading or sleeping. To this end, he has become rather observant and perceptive over the years, always looking for some flaw or shortcoming to point out on any person he finds himself facing against at any given time. Despite being an anti-social shit and borderline delinquent, Seo does have a few good points. While there are many cases where he claims to not care for people or that he finds the idea of being a hero for people who'd sooner see him locked in a cage to be nothing but a pipe dream, many of the times where he got into trouble for fights is by picking them with bullies that were harassing fellow students at any of his schools. He also proves to be a rather good student when he attends his classes, consistently getting passing marks on all his exams despite often skipping classes entirely, as well as having to constantly switch schools due to being ferried to different foster families. Plus, he's a cat person, and how bad can someone be if cats like them.[/indent] [color=#C83D29][b]HISTORY[/b][/color] [indent]Seo is an orphan and has been in the system since he was 3. His parents, either unable or unwilling to deal with him after his quirk had developed, dropped him off at an orphanage in Tokyo, neither even looking in his direction as they left. It would take another 5 years before the fact that he had been abandoned really sunk in for Seo, making his initial time very difficult as he took to acting out and doing everything he could to make any family that took him into to send him back. Often, it didn't take much more than a few lash outs with his quirk to achieve that effect. As a result, during his years in the Tokyo orphanage system, he drifted in and out of families with rapidity. His reputation grew worse and worse, making the families willing to even take a chance on him when he mellowed out few and far between, and his quirk serving to isolate him from many of his fellows in the orphanage, even those who also possessed quirks of their own. School was hardly any better, his status as an orphan and a quirk user already set him apart from the majority of other students, creating a feeling of loneliness that only grew stronger once the details of what his ability actually did came to light. Early years of attempting to make friends often ended in misunderstandings and disaster, and over time, the pain of isolation dulled into the dull throb of apathy. Once he came into his teens, he came to embrace that this was just his lot in life, no matter what he did. And so he embraced the role he had been given, doing his best to antagonize anyone and everyone he met, to take on the mantle of the villain that he was often labeled into. He got into fights, he skipped class, engaged in casual vandalism, ran away from home after home, and seemed as if he was trying his hardest to send his future into a nosedive no matter what. However, luckily for him, he had a person watching him that saw through his charade of villainy. He saw Seo for the hurt, scared kid that he was, lashing out the only way he knew how while also working to help others anyway It was this hero that pushed for Seo to enter the program, despite the reservations of those looking over his records. He was convinced that the kid wasn't bad, just in need of a guiding hand to lead him down the right path and that he deserved the chance to prove that at the very least. it took some doing, but eventually, Seo was notified of the transfer to this new school. To him, it doesn't seem like much. Just another school to add to the list, just one that had a higher number of freaks like himself. Still, when reading the reasoning for his acceptance. . . he couldn't help but feel a slight pang of warmth, no matter how much he tried to tell himself otherwise.[/indent] [color=#C83D29][b]QUIRK[/b][/color] [indent][b]Short Quirk explanation:[/b] Sanguine Surgeon- Seo has the ability to manipulate his blood in a variety of ways, both to duel his foes with precise strikes or to help stabilize and heal his allies. That said, he constantly has to be careful how much he uses his ability less he suffer from the dangers of rapid blood loss.[/indent] [indent][b]In depth Quirk Details***:[/b]Sanguine Surgeon is an all-around ability that can be used in both offensive and supportive capacities. For offense, Seo is able to harden his blood into small, simplistic constructs(edges, points, serrations, etc.) that he can control within a radius of 2m out. The strength of these constructs is determined by how much iron is present in his blood at the time. Conversely, he can also alter the acidity of his blood, again dependent on his diet, tho this ability depends on how many acidic foods he had consumed in the past few days. At present he can't use these effects in conjunction with each other, nor is either affect particular strong at present. His constructs are able to pierce and cut flesh with some effort, but don't work as well against tougher materials, nor can they currently withstand many impacts before dispersing back into a liquid state. Likewise, making his blood acidic can only cause a painful, but not overly severe chemical burn when applied to the skin and has little effect against most inanimate objects. Supportively, he can provide an instant transfusion to people who need it no matter who he's giving it too due to being O-. However, beyond that, Seo's ability seems to be capable of much more when injected into a living individual. As his blood circulates through their body, he can get a reading on their overall level of health and can start shifting the blood cells to change into another form entirely, allowing him to heal wounds by having his transformed blood shift into a cell of the appropriate type needed to heal. This can be quite taxing on him as his current conversion rate is far from perfect and thus the wounds he can heal at the moment are minimal at best, so currently it's more cost effective for him to stabilize someone by making sure they don't bleed out via forming a type of 'blood bandage around the wound' rather than outright healing it. Note that once the cells have been altered, he can no manipulate them as they're now apart of their patient's body. On top of all this, his quirk comes with a slight mutation that has lead to having a higher quantity of blood compared to the average persona, as well as faster blood cell production, as a result, his veins and heart are similarly enhanced to better deal with the strain of his quirk.[/indent] [indent][b]Quirk Development:[/b] There are a couple of ways the Sanguine Surgeon can be taken, either in refining his combat abilities by enhancing the power of his constructs and acid to a much more typically super-human capability, learning to use the two in tandem, or even being able to control his blood in a gaseous form. On the other hand, he could focus on improving the efficacy of his healing skills as well, allowing him to be a more effective support unit to other heroes, even going so far as to improve their bodies by creating reinforcing their muscles or bones with enhanced versions of their previous cells. A third option that I'll likely not go into unless Seo turns villain(and thus effectively becomes an NPC) is playing more on blood puppeteer type memes or having him work to affect blood other than his own by introducing his own blood into a host to act as a sort of virus that allows him to alter their blood to a lesser degree. In any case, these all represent paths that he can take, and while it's possible for him to focus on both offense and support, his ability to progress in either skill will likely be stunted as a result when compared to if he focuses on one of the other, making him a better all-around hero, if not one that can solo-carry. Smaller boosts would be increasing the range that he can wield his blood, how deftly he can move it in reaction to stimuli(currently requires a hand motion to help direct the motion, causing a slight delay in its movements) and . . . I think that's about it.[/indent] [color=#C83D29][b]OTHERS[/b][/color] [centre]Rookie Doctor- Seo has taken a great interest in the medical field throughout his life, at one point hoping to be a doctor before his current state of mind developed. Is actually pretty smart, just doesn't apply himself Has a solid collections of books and stories, mostly those of the sci-fi persuasion. Isn't a fan of anime or manga, as he finds them to be much too tropey.[/centre] [indent][b]Likes:[/b]Books, Quiet, Starting Shit, Cats[/indent] [indent][b]Dislikes:[/b]Nosey people, Being Ignored, People calling attention to his quirk, Authority figures[/indent] [indent][b]Fears:[/b]Being alone, Opening up to others[/indent][/hider]