[@Guess Who][@Enkryption] Faster than any turn order could allow her to be, Charlotte plowed her way through the woods into town, the ground itself marked by ashen footsteps that had carved out a new road. Maybe in the future it'd be a convenient trade route or something, but who cared about that when her best friend was in danger!? She stopped to let Tristan catch up, before she patted his shoulder. [color=ed1c24][b]"Alright, you check around the town square, and I'll see if I can find anything that looks like it's been 'Ka-Pow'd' by C-3."[/b][/color] she said before making another mad dash, this time lacking in fire on her feet. She would spend quite a bit of time barging into taverns and restaurants, most of the time kicking in the door for dramatic effect, but Charlotte's antenna would eventually pick up on C-3's adorableness being fired off. You couldn't hide cheeks that pinchable...well, actually, all slimes were really pinchable, but C-3 was the best slime! Her eyes would lock on the slime disguised as a drow, but seeing that someone was buying her food, she didn't dropkick them and yell out a battelcry of anti-lolicon sentiment. Rather, she calmly approached and tapped C-3 on the shoulder. [color=ed1c24][b]"Charr~! Found you!"[/b][/color] she said, putting her hands on her hips. [color=ed1c24][b]"Care to introduce me to your new friend?"[/b][/color] she asked, unconsciously cracking her knuckles. She meant, if she was cool, she was cool, but if a samurai bitch wanted to throw down over custody of HER bestie, then those knucks needed to be cracked. [hr] [@Suku][@Guess Who] [color=00aeef][b]"...What's a 'sodom eyes' Miss Valkira?"[/b][/color] Nimoa would question, her pointed ears twitching up and down. She could hear EXTREMELY well with her ears it seemed, enough to hear Valkira's mutterings as she held tightly onto her hand. [color=00aeef][b]"Oh yeah! The peppercorns!"[/b][/color] the vampiress would blurt out. Nimoa took that as her queue to explain her plan, rummaging through her bat shaped backpack for a large piece of paper with various scribblings on it in remarkably tidy handwriting, little crayon sketches made beside them. [color=00aeef][b]"Well, you see, garlic is evil, and hates vampires. Mommy says that we can just substitute garlic with peppercorn for recipes, so I thought who [i]NEEDS[/i] garlic anyways? So what I'll do is get a really big peppercorn plant to grow, and then put all the seeds into patches of garlic! It's foolproof!"[/b][/color] she said, not at all knowing HOW garlic cloves actually grew. Despite her plan seeming to take all of her attention, the wound on Valkira's sword didn't escape her attention. Starring at it, the small vampire would silently reach out to touch the gap in the metal, pressing her pale fingertips to it. [color=00aeef][b]"Your sword got hurt..."[/b][/color] she muttered, looking sad for a moment, before going rummaging once again. This time, her hand emerged with a juice pouch that resembled a blood bag...probably because it was filled with blood. Bending the little white nozzle as a straw, Nimoa took a sip before saying: [color=00aeef][b]"Valkira! Um...I-I know we only just became friends, but...would you let me try to fix your sword?"[/b][/color] The hero would spot both Nimoa and Valkira from how much they stood out with the backdrop of a ruined fountain behind them, but as soon as he laid eyes on Nimoa, he'd feel a jolt creep up his spine as her head snapped around to look at him. Her lips curled into an excited grin as she looked at him. He looked so...fearless! And uh...Alive! That definitely made him a hero! Excitedly, she would lightly tug on Valkira's gauntlet, asking: [color=00aeef][b]"Miss Valkira...d-do you think that man's a hero? Maybe we can ask him for help!"[/b][/color]