Blackout Dawn comes and the fishing village wakes to a both joy and dismay. Their fish stockpile has more than enough to pay their tribute. But there is also a platoon of Imperial Knights in the town square. The taxman smiles greedily until he sees the piles of fish and the countless fishing children. He scowls as Furm saunters up to him. The two banter with backhanded compliments and fake smiles. Finally the taxman asks. "I heard there were some outworlders in town. Where might I find them?" "Not sure. I gave them a hut to rest in but didn't to check if they were still there in this morning's preparations." The taxman looks to the captain. The captain nods draws his sword and marches towards the hut where the group is. When he arrives he orders his troops to be at the ready. "Offworlders, you are under arrest for the crime of trespassing in Lord Shadow's territory. Surrender yourselves and face justice."