[hider=Maxwell York (A.K.A Southpaw)] [center][h3][b] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/68f4bb5e2c36894b8a78c62cedf29636/tumblr_pquc82gVzR1slqfr8o1_540.png[/img] [/b][/h3] [img]Picture here if you have one[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Maxwell York [b]Alias:[/b] Southpaw [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Alignment:[/b] Rogue [b]Loyalty:[/b] Currently Independent [b]Appearance:[/b] Average height and build (5’8” 135 lbs), olive brown skin, brown eyes, dark hair. Usually wears outfits that are comfortable and loose, such as a tank top and basketball shorts. His costume consists of a simple cowl mask that shows off his hair, a pair of black gloves with bands of metal across the knuckles to enhance non powered up punches, and a pair of shorts. While out in costume he is usually shirtless and bristling with scales across his chest. [b]History:[/b] Maxwell was not born into money, his parents loving but poor and his father a gambler by nature, something that he picked up in his younger years. He and his younger sister were raised on the concept that the only reliable thing in life was the luck that you made, putting in the effort to push themselves forward was the only way they were going to get anywhere. His father keeping him close while he worked so that he could pick up his trade as an electrician, and by fifteen he had picked up enough knowledge that he could understand how to set up and maintain wiring and repair some forms of electronics. But he knew that being an electrician wasn't something he wanted to spend his entire life stuck doing, so it was that when Maxwell saw the flyer in the school hallway for an after school boxing club he took the chance and signed up. And after a few months of training and some rather impressive bouts for someone so young he found that he had a knack for taking a beating. He continued boxing all the way into his senior year of high school, where unbeknownst to him his father had made a bet with his boss that his boy would make it to the national level. Not knowing that in early spring, a week and a half before the qualifiers an accident would befall Maxwell that would leave him nearly dead and lying in the hospital, swollen and unconscious after accidentally provoking a swarm of bees. Trigger: Entomophobia your sister had told you, and with your allergies it made sense. Though admitting that you couldn't handle a stray house spider wasn't exactly easy. You were cautious, that was all. But not cautious enough it seemed... all it took was a misplaced step, tripping over a root in the path and you stumbled into the tree, your head colliding with something soft that crunched like paper. And less than a second later you could hear them. The buzzing of hundreds of angry bees, you'd smashed your head against a low hanging hive and now, well it wasn't going to be pretty. The first sting was near your elbow, and you yelped out in pain and swatted at the spot, your hand coming away smeared with the squashed remains of the bee. And then it was open season, like an army they swarmed down upon you, crawling across your skin until they could find a place to bury their killer stings. You'd never been one to panic, always able to stay on top of your emotions, but you could feel the fear welling in you. "Don't let them sting near your throat, your eyes, if you swell to much you will suffocate, protect with one hand crush with the other." You set to the task of crushing each and every insect as it stabbed you, you could hear your blood rushing in your ears. "It hurts. IT HURTS!" you yell, "STOP YOU LITTLE BASTARDS" but the little soldiers continued, their order was to protect the queen or die trying. One by one you killed them, rasping through a throat that wouldn't give you the oxygen you need. Fighting until with a sudden flash, you trigger. Now worried what his boss might do when he couldn't pay up Maxwell's father sent his children to Denver to live with their aunt in her apartment. Just until he was able to find the money. [center][h3][b]Personality[/b][/h3][/center] [b]Motivations:[/b] Money, comfort, keeping his family safe. He's a pretty simple guy when it comes to what keeps him going. [b]Sexuality:[/b] Closeted Bisexual [b]Likes:[/b] [list][*]His family [*]Big paychecks [*]Painting miniatures/making models [*]Bubblegum (Always has some on him) [*]Boxing [*]Betting[/list] [b]Dislikes:[/b] [list][*]Insects, spiders, creepy crawly things [*]Being in someone's debt [*]Cars (Gets carsick easily) [*]Forced Drama[/list] [b]Derangement:[/b] Has a debilitating fear of insects, to the point where even the mention of them will make his skin crawl and push up goosebumps as his body reflexively attempts to push out scales. His skin also gets incredibly itchy when the scales have been extended for to long in a single place, feeding into that paranoia that there are insects crawling on him. [center][h3][b]Parahumanism[/b][/h3][/center] [b]Skills:[/b] Electrical Experience, Trained Boxer, CPR certified [b]Classification:[/b] Brute [b]Details:[/b] An armadillo brute who can reflexively grow black iron scales across roughly half his body at a single moment. These scales are densely packed and nearly impervious to physical damage while at the same time work to enhance the strength of whatever part of his body they cover, offering him the strength to shatter concrete or tank hits that would pulp flesh. The scales themselves can take some heavy punishment, able to take hits from Endbringer level super strength without breaking, not to say the rest of his body would survive that sort of strain. [b]Limitations:[/b] Scales cannot cover the entirety of his body and make him invulnerable, only able to grow across roughly half his body at once. And while his enhanced strength does absorb a lot of shock from impacts it cannot stop unprotected areas from suffering strain, meaning he has to be careful how he supports and distributes them when fighting against opponents who outclass his super strength. [b]Equipment:[/b] A pair of homemade hard knuckle gloves, finger-less with metal built into the knuckles at the base of his fingers. [/hider]