[@Ephemeral] [color=e04f4f]‘Ugh,’[/color] the girl initially made a noise of annoyance when Erza spoke of that she might need to prove that it belongs to her. Then, Erza suggested she describe the item. The girl took a moment, then… [color=e04f4f]‘Fine.’[/color] [color=e04f4f]‘It’s a mirror, which frame is blue on the left, green on the right, brown on the top and white in the bottom. It’s supposed to reflect truth, and local legends say that when it reflects the “Strong One”, the beasts will return to their true forms and nature will be calmed. It’s been stored in the Abandoned Shrine for generations in case it is ever needed again, so it isn’t strictly mine, it belongs to Redcoast City as a whole, but I’ve been it’s protector for a good while,’[/color] the girl said, frowning. [color=e04f4f]‘If you really, REALLY have to, we can take it to the Redcoast City officials who can confirm my story. … And who’ll probably berate me for trying to experiment with it. So, yeah, it’s supposed to reflect truth, so I took a rain-form Castform to it in order to check if it’d return to its normal self, or something. Instead it grabbed the mirror and floated away while I was grumbling about that it didn’t work. … Will that do?’[/color] She looked at Erza expectantly, frowning.