more buttons akin to "like" "laugh" "thank" were discussed but decided against. here's a quick bit about Lauk's background. (the last few years are still blank. it is intentional, to have space to build a party in.) [hider=Lauk, Tortle War Wizard] Lauk is a curious fellow, both for being a tortle in a place where tortles are uncommon, and for being curious. He likes knowing, likes learning new things. And he likes bringing raining fire down upon his enemies. A simple guy, really. As for his origins? Well… he was born as part of a small clutch of tortles, not on the Snout of Omgar as most might think, but on the astral plane. How that came to pass is a tale onto itself. Suffice to say, he did not have what any could call a “normal” childhood. He had a few siblings, but not all that many for tortles, with him and his siblings only numbering a dozen. He knew his parents, but while they were around occasionally, they died when he was no more than six and a half year old, leaving the job of raising him and his siblings to his father’s brother. He doesn’t speak much about this time in his life, but what little he has said indicates that it wasn’t a bad time. It is known that his inquisitive nature made him explore the field of magic fairly early on, though it only picked up speed a couple of years after he reached adulthood when one of the resident mages there took him under his wing as an apprentice, having been selected from a fairly small group of candidates. Eventually, as is normal for tortles, the wanderlust set in and his master sent him out into the material plane to learn more on his own. Unfortunately, passing the barrier astral was not something he had ever trained for and he was quite lost upon arriving upon the material plane. After stumbling from one bad situation to the next for a couple of years, he eventually caught the eye of a devil that had—for reasons unknown to him—left the nine hells. That encounter did not go all that well, resulting in him spending the next four years thinking that a continent-spanning conspiracy existed between cheesemakers and fishmongers to take over the world. In these years he sought to wipe all fishmongers and dealers in cheeses soft and hard from the world, as well as obliterating the products. It goes without saying that this did not go all that well for Lauk, but it is to this day unknown what the devil got out of what must have been some sort of deal that led to this insanity. Eventually though, a wandering cleric of Torm managed to end his nonsensical rampage, restoring his mind and ending the dementation. He is still discomforted by soft cheeses and can’t stand the smell of fish, but at least it doesn’t trigger violence in him anymore. The cleric took him in, taught him a bit about right and wrong and how the world of Faerûn works, but while their relationship was cordial, it was never truly warm. Lauk just couldn’t fully get in line with the cleric’s fanatic view of good and evil. That the guy actually liked cheese was probably the final nail in the coffin that led to him wandering off, though the insidious influence of a certain devil may also have been of significant influence, even if Lauk himself was unaware of it. [/hider]