"Only the second?" Julan laughed. "City life must actually be pretty boring. There are all kinds of exciting things that happen around here. We ate a dragon not all that long ago. Aunt Sabine killed it. They had the skeleton on display in the main hall for a while, but they took away most of the bones after a week or two. Not sure what they did with them. Now it's just the skull displayed there, though you might not have noticed it. It's kind of high up, above the door when you go in." He commented as he walked up to the burning cluster of mushrooms. Julan himself would dry off rather quickly regardless, but everything he was wearing could benefit from the fire. He undressed and laid out his clothes, pouches, and scabbard carefully a safe distance from the fire, then sat down himself. "But you know, I'm sure you could enjoy it here if you just [i]let[/i] yourself enjoy it, Narsi. You don't have to pick fights and yell at everyone you meet. Things are different here. This is the kind of place where lycans are meant to be. I mean, just think back to where you're from. I'm sure you couldn't tell anyone about what you are back in Cheydinhal. You couldn't talk about being a werewolf, and no one there would've understood what it was like, even if you did. And you couldn't hunt with other lycans, except your mother I guess. Now, it's no secret. Now you can talk about it as much as you want, or even just transform whenever you feel like it. Surely that has to be better than having to worry about staying hidden all the time? I hate having to think about everything I say or do when we visit cities." [hr] Perhaps to Llarasa's relief, Ahnasha was perfectly pleasant towards both her and Calia. Although, if she suspected that there was something wrong between Ahnasha and Fendros, that would not be settled until he arrived as well. Regardless, Ahnasha hugged Calia as she answered. "Oh, I am quite alright. I just finished saying my goodbyes to my family. They have more business to tend to in the city, so I decided to talk to them early, before they got too busy. Meesei is going to be arriving around noon to take us back, unless something delays her. I hope you don't mind if I join you for breakfast." Soon after, Ahnasha moved to offer Llarasa a hug as well.