Ayrie spent some time exploring the first floor of the house, finding a few things interesting but nothing of serious interest until she spotted a piano in one of the rooms near the kitchen. She sat down and tested the keys for tune, then began to play a melody she had learned years ago while attending music class. The notes were clear, the melody following her mood of the last few days. When she finished the song she started just playing a random tune that she made up as she went, allowing her fingers to just play what she felt. Symphony sat next to her, watching her play and appreciating the music. She was much happier than she had been the last several days, and certainly happier now than she had been when she was a child and teenager growing up in the Church. Growing up as an orphan and ward of the Church hadn't been terrible, but it had been boring. She let the melody trail off as she thought of her childhood, remembering the teasing of the other children when she asked questions. The looks of priests and priestesses as they realized she would not be easy to control. The punishments she received at the hands of some of the less forgiving of them. She shook the memories from her mind and stood, walking to the bottom of the stairs. Gingerly, she started to go up them, taking it easy in order to not pull at her side. Symphony went up ahead of her to make sure there was nothing that might be harmful, and finding nothing he waited at the top of the stairs for her. She walked around the upstairs for a bit, staring at artifacts and magical items in one room, and then finding a locked door she assumed was either his bedroom or a workroom. She was curious what might be inside, but she went back downstairs smelling something delicious coming from the kitchen. She found Asran cooking away, and stood in the doorway for a moment just appreciating the sight.