[@Letter Bee][@Lady Selune][@Mr Irony II][@Heyitsjiwon][@Ciaran][@Danelaw][@Andreyich][@flowersrgr8][@Strange Rodent][@BiffleChump][@Random Kitty][@Hank] Good morning, pals and prospects. For those interested, [url=https://discord.gg/dRE3xav]here's the Discord link[/url]. Normally it would be too early for this to serve any use, but I decided it'd be a good idea to record my daily progress for anyone who hasn't heard from me in a while and might otherwise be impressed to think I have abandoned the project. You can just hop onto the [i]#ooc-progress-reports[/i] channel to see how the thread is coming along. Simple, huh? And if you want to get a head start on collabing with partner(s) on your juicy character histories then I won't stop you either.