[hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=f7941d][center]World Narrative[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3][hr][hr] [u][b]Gronar, Location: Cenarius's Glade.[/b][/u] Fight across the glade was raging at full fervor. Cenarius was mighty and a single strike from him would squash a Felhound like a bug, but some more were just rushing into the glade aiming for him. Heck he stuck one so strongly and tossed it into the air that the fel creature flew over even the tallest trees, vanishing from view. Malfurion himself was strugglign with the creatures since they were trying to drain his magic and he had to fend off the tendrils that were shooting out at him all the time. Still his mastery of the forest's path proved effective as the roots of these mighty trees tangled even the most energetic of Felhounds, eventually dragging their prey under the earth, suffocating nad crushing the demon beasts as they went. Finally the battle was over with as the last felhound was crushed under the demigod's mighty hooves well the last at least for now. There was somethign unsettling about this whole thing. Finally teh night elf and Cenarius realized the missing human." What?!" The demigod's mighty voice roared across the forest as he couldn't quite blieve the human actually had vanished and he couldn't even track him! What manner of power could do this at his own domain no less! The arrogance! His anger was shortlived though as his head turned around and looked into the forest." There are more... other such creatures roaming my domain! I will go deal with them, the two of you, do what you seem fit. I will find you after that." Cenarius said as he vanished into the forest. "Well..." Malfurion started, observing hte once sacred glade, now covered in the dead fel beasts. He could feel the very earth scream underneath as even in death the creatures were corrupting the very life around them. He still couldn't believe such vile thigns could exist in this world or rather they were probably not from this world? Then he felt it, something had happened. The source of the dominance of hte night elves, the link that he felt with the Well of Eternity had suddenly stopped. He as a follower of druidism wasn't really affected that much from it, but it still felt weird." Something bad happened..." He mumbled and threw a look at Gronar." You said these demons try to invade worlds?" He vaguely asked Gronar for confirmation, but deep inside he knew that it had began... something horrible had began. "Gronar, I know I promised to help bring you to safety away from the night elves, but I must return to Suramar now." Malfurion said." I have to talk with Lord Ravencrest and try to help him see reason. I fear that this invasion has began and I need to make him do something about it. Queen Azshara must be on it otherwise this cannot happen withotu her knowledge. You could stay here, the soldiers will not find this place. Maybe Cenarius can help you return to your home after he returns from huting hte rest of hte demons." Malfurion explained, but just as he did so, he felt something odd. There was a felhound still alive among hte killed one. One of it's tendrils had sneakily shot at him and pierced his leg, starting to drain his magic to recover itself. [hr][hr][center][h1][color=6ecff6]Heda Runeclaw[/color][/h1][img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/intermediary/f/99811e01-102e-4792-9fb6-3be41f379d81/dcwkquf-e42176c9-0d30-44ce-b269-30154604b8bb.jpg[/img][hr][color=6ecff6][b]Location[/b][/color]: Red Flight Home Caverns - Chambers of Alexstrasza[/center][hr][hr] Heda had managed to pull Fabios to her location with a little bit of help from the dragons, but the incident had caused a massive demonic incursion within their very home so they had went to curbstomp the rest of hte demons that had invaded this place. It was apparent this was not how things should have happened, but htere wasn't much to be done about it. Heda was instead left here to try to deal with this demon, so she decided she might as well drag the paladin for aid because this wasn't quite something she had seen before. This demonic creature... was a grotesque merging of at least 4 other creatures. 3 demons and a warlock... She hadn't witnessed such event's before. [color=6ecff6]"Look out for it's attacks."[/color] Heda warned Fabios.[color=6ecff6]" I tried whacking it with full strenght, but it only got pushed down for a little bit and it is able to use magic."[/color] She explained the danger as the creature's form suddenly rippled. Then a limb sprouted out of it's stomach and the limb shot out fire at the paladin, it was a fireball like spell that flew at him. The spell trajectory was wrong through and instead it passed just by him. Still it left a few scorched marcks across his armor as the limb had vanished and the demon instead swung it's arm at the paladin. The creature now was big, while not as big as Heda's true form, it was well about over 3 meters tall and the arm was like a combination of a human arm, but covered in thick red scales and rocks with big claws. Heda tried to intercept him, but it swung it's arm at her, she barely blocking in time as the swipe send her into the air, all the way to the wall of the cavern nearby, then it returned to it's original trajectory towards Fabios, who would be able to counter attack first.