Having found a backstage cranny to stow himself in, Arthur settled in for the show. Once still, he could feel more acutely the accelerated beat of his heart; he couldn't deny his excitement, not just for what was to come, but for what had happened. Discovered alongside his comrade Hogan by a pair of security guards, he had been called on to trust the nebulous abilities of the mercenary Leonard, who Arthur had yet to see in action. In case the man's little slips of 'authority' failed him, Arthur had steeled himself to make use of his own Stand power--namely, the rather mundane ability of Space Oddity to bop the unsuspecting guardsmen over the head. However, Free Bird worked its magic despite Arthur's doubts, and now the large man and large crocodile lay in wait behind the curtain, ready for the spectacle to begin. For the longest time, nothing of particular note to a Stand user seemed to happen, but while he couldn't see it, Arthur suspected one heck of a show for the audience. More than once he figured that he'd been too paranoid, perhaps unwittingly trying to flex the muscles of experience he'd built up over the years, and that he'd denied himself and his scaly friend a perfectly harmless entertainment experience. [i]Oh well.[/i] Getting stiff after a while, he felt like finding himself a more comfortable hiding spot and nodding off, but the bombastic noise of the Crue brothers' performance made any such respite outright impossible. Instead Arthur toughed it out, waiting patiently and more or less alertly up until the point the magicians called out for a volunteer. "Hmm," he murmured. This could be just what he was waiting for. With such a vast audience, the odds of the brothers picking out another Stand user were slim to none, but there was more to destiny than luck; one could never forget the [i]law of attraction[/i]. Observed throughout his time in the hidden world and confirmed through correspondence with others like him, that phenomena dictated that the fates of Stand users intertwined inseparably, slowly but inevitably their paths into alignment. Sooner or later, Stand users come into contact -and often conflict- with one another. As for why this happened, Arthur couldn't possibly imagine. The phenomenon couldn't be seen, tested, or studied. Yet it could be felt, and the feeling that came with knowing that everything was somehow connected, that one was part of something far bigger than oneself...it was a strong, complicated feeling. With that in mind, Arthur peered out from his hiding spot between the curtains. The spotlights flitting about the obvious coalesced a moment later on a single person. At this distance making out features proved difficult, but there could be no mistaking that pink hair. "Mieke," he muttered, his face growing taut with focus. What a bizarre coincidence. If anything was going to go wrong, it would be now. Averting his gaze once more, he flexed his muscles and cracked his knuckles in preparation for whatever may come.