Ok, here's Leo! He probably sucks, but let me know if he doesn't suck enough for you to ignore him and let him through! [u]Name: [/u] Leonardo Vadris [u]Age:[/u] Nineteen [u]Gender:[/u] Male [u]Appearance:[/u] [hider=Lotsa big pictures] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/ca80eca755fc48e6b8f9e3cf527b1270/tumblr_paqjbrHtrb1ryte8yo1_r1_1280.png [/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/d8/5d/ae/d85dae244a29a7f7188bdecd3f3c7768.png [/img] [img]https://static.zerochan.net/Lancer.%28Fate.stay.night%29.full.1205506.jpg [/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/8e/98/d0/8e98d0347fb9702009bf81cb2163dc5b.gif [/img] [/hider] [u]Personality:[/u] Generally laid back and somewhat snarky, the majority of people meeting Leo for the first time would probably walk away thinking of him as an extremely annoying person. Honestly, they wouldn't really be wrong to think that either, as he is one hundred percent the kind of person who finds the fact that people find him infuriating hilarious, and it often seems like one of the only things he will actually put effort into is finding gaps in peoples armour and teasing them relentlessly with them. And yes, he won't deny that he greatly enjoys his rest and relaxation time, certainly far more than he enjoys hard work. However, when it comes down to it, Leo always at least tries to be a good person. It isn't rare for him to pick up on whether or not someone is feeling alright, and will sit with them and help them work things out to the best of his abilities, even if that means he has to skip work. [i]Especially[/i] when it means he has to skip work. All in all, he's someone who believes in not stressing over the little things, and will help people he sees doing so get over it. Hell, get him in the right mood, and he might even do something constructive! [u]Abilities:[/u] [hider=Too much rambling] [i]Affinity:[/i] Words [i]Mana Quantity:[/i] High [i]Mana Quality:[/i] Slightly below average Leonardo has access to two kinds of magic that have been passed down through the Vadris family for generations. The first has been given the nickname "Word of God", and allows the caster to speak a number of words in an forgotten language that may or may not have been created by the Vadris family itself. Each of these words represent a concept, and most of them are simple modifiers placed around the core word of 'unity'. As the words are spoken, the runic version of the word appears in the air around him, flowing towards the unity runes to take the form of a phantasmal object made of the runes. The form the runes take depends partly on the original intent of the caster, and partly on the modifying words being used. The second is runic enchantment, and is quite similar to Word of God. However, in addition to speaking the words aloud, the caster must also somehow inscribe the runes for the word being used into an object. This causes the object being enchanted to take on that aspect, allowing for a lot of versatility. However, enchanting usually takes a large amount of time and even more intense focus than Word of God, and must therefore be done only in a safe, secure location. In both cases, there are limitations to wordcasting. The greatest example of this is the mana cost of each word, which fluctuates depending on the word and it's effects, but can often be quite high simply on their own, let alone combined with several other words. This is compounded by the fact that many modifying words have little effect on their own, and often need to be repeated multiple times in a single construct to actually accomplish the intended results. For example, one instance of hunt in a construct will usually cause it to simply arc gently in the targets direction, which in [i]some[/i] cases might be enough, but this is rarely the case. A safer bet would be three or four uses of hunt, which makes the seeking aspect far more accurate, but uses significantly more mana than just one use would. [/hider] [u]Skills:[/u] [hider=Even more rambling] Hand to hand combat: Ever since his parents death eight years ago, Leo has trained in various combat skills in order to better defend himself in case he and his sister are also attacked. It isn't his best skill, more just something that he's thrown together, but it works fine against opponents who don't focus on close combat skills. Firearms training and maintenance: A fair sight better than his hand to hand skills, Leo has spent a large part of the last eight years training himself in the use and maintenance of various types of firearms. He's no master sniper or anything, or even particularly good with a sniper rifle, but with regular rifles and pistols, he can be quite formidable. Handwriting: The guys got neat handwriting. Fishing: Leo is good at fishing. Leo likes fishing. Leo has ignored important household tasks in the past to go fishing, because fishing lets him sit around doing nothing while still technically doing something. Sewing: Leo likes sewing too. It lets him save money, and is one of his few actually productive skills. He uses it to make small charms with weak, almost undetectable enchantments and sell them as a small side business. Gardening: Again, Leo likes gardening because it let him save money when he and his sister are low on funds. If he manages to grow enough at one time, he can even [i]make[/i] some money selling them at the market. [/hider] [u]Assets:[/u] Most of the little the Vadris family owns is back at their home on the island, but he has managed to bring a few things with him. These are a small Beretta pistol, a sewing kit, his fishing rod and supplies, and a small ink brush to write runes for enchanting. [u]Brief Backstory:[/u] Leonardo was born to the Vadris family, who despite their great age had managed to remain out of the spotlight for much of their history. While expectations were high for Leo to master the art of wordcasting as soon as possible, his situation was not nearly as bad as is so often the case with other mage bloodlines. He and his parents were quite close, and he was allowed time to pursue his own hobbies where others might find themselves completely tied down. The birth of his sister Elise seven years later only served to bring the family closer, and his ambition to improve largely focused around making them proud. However, disaster struck when Leo was just eleven years old, when his parents were both killed in a terrible 'accident'. Leo and Elise were never given the details of the accident, other than the fact that it probably [i]wasn't [/i]actually an accident, instead being quickly shepherded away from their home in Ireland to a small, unassuming island in the middle of the pacific ocean, where they have spent the last eight years living as the lower-class McGillis family with their homunculus caretaker Luna. Times have been tough, with Leo having to dedicate the majority of his time to helping raise Elise, and eventually assisting in bringing in an income for the three to live off of. So far he has managed that, but along with the self defense training, it has taken a heavy toll on his magic education, having made very little progress in expanding his magic vocabulary other than a few words he can use to subtly make money. [i]Without[/i] revealing the existence of magic, put away the pitchforks... Honestly, despite life just above the poverty line being a little bit difficult, Leonardo felt like he probably could have kept going with it. He had gotten used to it, he knew what he was doing! And then he was called back to London by their families ancient contract with the Ar-Rynesarte family, meaning that not only would he have to reveal the fact that he and his sister actually survived their parents... [i]'accident'...[/i] but he would also have to put his limited understanding on how to act as the head of a mage family to the test.