His tactic appeared to work almost instantly. Not anticipating his maneuver, the pursuing speeders had to pull a series of corkscrews and wide loops to reorient themselves and follow him down into the shadows of the lower levels. This allowed Thaerex to put some distance between them and their pursuers. Once they had almost reached the surface, he began to weave a path through the infrastructure, speeding through gaps between decaying industrial pylons, dodging past broken communication antennae, until he spotted what looked like an abandoned barracks directly ahead. The front doors looked like they had been blown off. They hadn't managed to lose the other speeders, but the barracks gave him an idea. "On my mark, get ready to jump clear!" he yelled over the noise. He guided the speeder down. They would only have a split-second once they cleared the doorway. He looked over his shoulder and spotted the three speeders that had managed to keep up with them. Steeling himself, he focused on the dark portal ahead, if he was off, even by just a few centimeters, he and Theva would be dead.