Hi! I saw your interest check and like the idea, I would love to do a light and airy RP! Please see my CS below: [hider= Maya] [center][img]https://tse4.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.UczhsC-V98rM9Owi605F2wAAAA&pid=15.1[/img] Name | Maya Borges Age | 21 Major | Philosophy Origin | Brazil Hobbies | Reading; fiction writing; conspiracy theories Personality | Intelligent, down-to-earth, sarcastic, critical History | Maya was born into a wealthy family in Brazil, but during her childhood, her family lost all of their inheritance and fell from grace. She decided to shoulder the burden of bringing her family back to the top and studied harder than she ever knew she could, landing herself a spot in KIU. Thankfully, she was awarded numerous grants by the Brazilian government and was able to keep her loans to a minimum. She lives farther away from campus than the other students, as I imagine the more affordable housing is farther away. She works two jobs, the first is an official, university-sanctioned position in one of the cafe shops on campus. The other is a side-job she has to help make ends meet, at a small local bookstore. [/center][/hider]