Petra was a little worried about them walking around with their monsters. However since Donovan kept his two others inside their orbs she felt a bit of relief. Smiling with a wave when he went on his way to Sunfire. Petra then looked to Jones who was gathering her things. Jones then presented a final question. "[color=#01A9DB]Nonono that's fine. You don't have to. That's why I'm here.[/color] She laughed weakly. "[color=#01A9DB]I will also be notified pretty soon when you're done with the mission. Your efficiency will determine your score. Be careful though. You might want another monster unless you plan on fighting the monster too.[/color]" An uneasy quiver in her voice as she said those last words. [@Mogget] [hr] [center][h1][u]Sunfire[/u][/h1] [hr] [img][/img][/center] [hr] The entrance was accessed by a bridge. Once walking to the end of it the two large doors that only two guards stood in front of would likely already be open by this hour and a few people would already be walking back and forth. Being watched by the silent stoic Vrondi guards. They were tall and what could be seen of their flesh beneath their slender silver armor was pale. Their ponytails were white and were tied with green vine ropes. In their hands were flag spears all bearing the symbol of the sun. On their side hips were sheathed blades. Scanning all entrants. None seemed to alert their action though. Not even Donovan and his monster. Inside the town there were large stairs and floating platforms that led up to the higher levels. Near the entrance was the Taxis HQ. It housed the Taxis who healed but also purified. Sometimes by sword. They too held the symbol of the sun on their buildings flag. But outside the entrance of this place was a board with various papers attached. "Bounties & Jobs" it read. Next to it and the entrance was a Taxis knight peeling a banana. He was without his helmet. He had brown messy hair and green eyes. A single scar on his left cheek. He wore heavier less uniformed armor and was sitting on a bench. His weapons not visible or on him. He was the only person not hurriedly along into the towns further up down past the HQ. Seeing the monster Donovan walked with the knight whistled a bit at the sight of the boy walking with a large creature. "[color=ffcd3d]Don't see that everyday.[/color]" [@Zealous Blade]