[@Moyai] I'm sure there's a way that can work, how were you thinking about doing it? [@Timemaster] Looks mostly good, there's just one thing, and its my fault tbh. I didn't explain the rankings on the stats very well in the OP. Basically, an S-rank is like top-tier, best-in-the-world level ability. It'd be unlikely for her to be [i]quite[/i] that skilled already, though she could certainly get to that point. I would lower the S to maybe an A or a B and it should be good. Other than that though, she looks good, I'm a fan of the Phantosmia ability especially. [@Everyone] I'm going to add an explanation for the stat rankings in the OP, and also I'll be adding another section to the stats: Control, which just covers your character's ability to control their powers. I had meant to add it originally, but I realized I forgot about it