Peter could only raise an eyebrow as Enterprise said how normal it was for there to be explosions and such here. He suppose it made some sense; this place was where super hero suits were made after all. Have to test them against blasting and such. However when she mentioned most of the workers being robots, that just put Peter more on edge. He remembered reading how the new industrialization of robots in the workforce had allowed a much lax safety measures. After all, robots don't need to worry about being exposed to toxic chemicals or harmful radiation. And if this place casually had this sort of explosion and power out tage issue, it only made Peter wary. Like he'll have to suddenly be dodging explosions and shrapnel at a moment's notice. [color=f7976a]"Never a dull moment here I guess."[/color] Joining the teachers and other students the tour barely started when another explosion rocked the area. It sounded like it came from outside instead of inside of the facility, as it left Peter's ears ringing. [color=f7976a]"Holy hell that was loud. What are they testing over there, tank bombs?"[/color] Wishing her had gotten some earplugs Peter pulled his mask over his eyes in case there was going to be any more surprises, perhaps a random flashbang or something. With all of theses random stuff going on Peter furrowed his brow. [color=f7976a][i]"Alright so this place isn't just a normal run of the mill clothing factory. Explosions, power outages, more robots than what's good for a company. I'd be super stupid if I just keep thinking this will be a simple tour. Keep your senses sharp Peter. Things are going to get weird."[/i][/color] Naturally Renard was one of the first to go face first through the doors to see what's on the other side. Peter wasn't against this; if there was any danger that was going to come out and surprise them it'll hit Renard first. And that would give Peter a precious few seconds to react and counter accordingly. [color=f7976a]"Don't lose your head Sparky."[/color]