[right][h3]Khulbe's Palace - Zura Lom [/h3][/right][hr] Zura Lom stood patiently in front of Khulbe, hands folded behind her back, shoulders straight, and gaze level as she met the Hutts dark gaze. She had once loathed the creature more than anything she thought possible and only taken a job from him to smuggle some spice when she was desperate. To her surprise she learned, much as Jast had, that Khulbe was not your average thug. He was smart, played the long game, and turned a tidy profit all while avoiding the attention of law enforcement of most major planets. "What news of Yesolb?" The Hutt asked. D440 did not translate, Zura understood Huttese perfectly well and Khulbe understood basic. "Our latest reports indicate that he has begun to move in on our operations in the lower levels of the city. I have a team standing by to retaliate but I wanted to ensure you approved." Khulbe might be a more generous and intelligent Hutt, but that didn't make him anymore merciful to failure. It was always better to wait for his direction than to assume something. "No, let him gain ground. Use that time to try and track his source of spice. When we hit back I want to ensure we roll up all of his operation, not just the low level street thugs." Khulbe had eased back slightly so that his stomach rounded out and she watched the slow rise and fall of his chest. He was a large creature, though small by Hutt standards. "I already have a lead that it is coming in via a pair of Corellian brothers. I don't have any names yet, but I should by the end of the week." The Hutt gurgled and his mouth widened into what passed for a Hutt smile. "Excellent Zura. You never fail to impress me and your initiative is welcome." The big eyes rolled around the throne room, taking in all of his subordinates. Some suddenly found the ground very interesting while others met his gaze with a grin. There were those who could be trusted to do what needed doing, and those who could follow orders well. It was a good mix. "I am ever willing to reward a skilled employee. After our evening festivities, take your pleasure with whichever of the girls you prefer." Zura licked her lips and bowed low to the Hutt before backing away and heading toward the exit. She was already knew who she wanted, Ehottecri, the Togruta. The girl liked some rough fun, as did Zura, and it was not often that Khulbe so easily allowed access to her. Jast must have made the Hutt happy indeed. Khulbe, meanwhile, had settled even more comfortably onto his platform, closing his eyes and thinking over the days events. He could hear the bustle began as slaves moved in to begin setting up the dinner. They maintained a respectful quiet though a few whispered and giggled with each other. Khulbe did not bother to correct them. Happy slaves were productive slaves and he did not see any reason to make an enemy in his own household.