Yes [@Ellri], this character doesn’t know much now. That’s the absolute uniqueness of this character and the foundation. She will have all the curves and opportunities to learn for herself. Which gives her the best opportunity to interact with all the different PCs. For one she is running away from a mad man she considers her husband which will be having a bounty over her head. Giving half the interaction opportunities right there. For dos she will be running into people quite literally… she isn’t going to let herself go back to her husband without a fight. So, she is always going to try and be finding help and getting herself into the most erratic positions. For realism yes, she grew up a girl with no physical power, not much education given to her either and then sold off to be a pampered live model for a rich man. She isn’t going to know much but she’s going to have the most ambition to break that cycle. Her plan is to join the rebellion and become independent on learning how to fly crafts, use different weapons and become a family among the rebellion. All that is what makes her stand out her hopes and dreams.