[center][color=cyan][h1]Riley Ridgeway[/h1][/color] [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/c5953ec1f0b1c08769c57ea592afb7ca/tumblr_o9dq904Wfj1von8z1o1_500.gif[/img] [i]Location: Grimm, Indiana, Tunnel Passage Under Grimm Skills: N/A[/i][/center] [hr][hr] Riley sighed to herself as she rubbed her arm slightly looking over back the way from where they had came from, and then back over towards Pyira. [color=cyan]"I haven't been at the Grimaldi's in years, so it may have been just uncovered by whoever it is awhile go maybe?"[/color] Riley said as she shrugged ever so slightly, she just wanted to get the hell out of here and felt like this was some kind of sick joke someone decided to pull on her. [color=cyan]"I mean they did have an innocent girl framed for murder there who was my former classmate. But it was found that she didn't do it she's been free for awhile now but she's pretty insane last I saw her at the reunion."[/color] Riley said softly as she looked down at the floor for anything of interest. [color=cyan]"When we get to the other end, we call Tim and or Roy and stay put until they arrive and continue looking around then. I'd rather not die searching for some weird ass fucking clown who used the tunnels to escape."[/color] Riley did have her career to get back to, and she did not want to end up being in a new article where it said she had died in her hometown that she really and truly did hate. [color=cyan]"Or we turn back, and call them there. But i'm think we are to far deep now to turn back, as much as I hate it.."[/color] [hider=Riley Roll Request]Character current location: Grimm Tunnels Characters attempted actions: Perception check, find out what the smell is, and if there is anything of interest on the ground. Any and all skills being used: N/A Why each skill is being called: No skills being used. Desired location of the character: Other end of the tunnel[/hider]