This was always something I considered, but this question finally gave me a reason to think about it further. I’m afraid my favorite roleplaying characters have been lost with time and other sites that no longer exist. It doesn’t help that I haven’t really had many long roleplays on here, which make most of them less deep and complex as others in my own fiction. Character sheets used to be a lot more fun for me to make, but I honestly find the process tedious now. Most of my effort tries to go into the writing itself versus describing my characters favorite breakfast cereal. But gun to my head, which one here (that I still have any evidence/knowledge of) was my favorite? (Just based on the potential I had in mind for them?) Well to help me remember, I tried reading some of their introductions and the rest. To see which one resonated with me the most. And well I’m not sure if this sheet is the best, or even the longest one. And their introduction post is the longest, but I don’t think it’s my best work. I still remember being disappointed when creating one of the sections. But I’ll admit, I love creating godly beings. (And so rarely am I able to, when so called creative types limit it so frequently. Even in roleplays where god-like beings are bound to exist.) [url=]Azmoday (God Of Sins, Demons and The Underworld) Character Sheet[/url] and the [url=]introduction.[/url] I probably have more developed and even better written characters, even in this forum. But damn it's a shame that I was unable to develop the story I had in mind for this god and his children. It was just fun to make this one and it probably looks the best visually. It’s not stupid long and overly detailed. But I think it gives you just enough information and snippets of each character to understand their place. At least that’s what my answer is for today... (Favorite character(s)? I don't know that for certain. He might've been if I got the time to build upon them.) [hr] For genre favorite? Easy and probably said before. Dark Fantasy. (Where you can put as much innocent fluff as you want, before getting to the good part. ;D) I’ve just always enjoyed this and I never stopped reading, writing and roleplaying in the genre. (Okay, I really should be reading more of it. On my to do list, I swear.) I think it’s just the freest and most open genre for roleplaying. Maybe you’d argue fantasy would be that, since adding dark presumably puts you in a box, but really it just opens you up for more serious possibilities. Toothless fantasy doesn’t often engage me, and without those dark or sad moments, it feels like a hollow and one-note setting. Least favorite? I’m not sure if that’s as easy to narrow down, but I’d have to say Slice Of Life. Because the word itself is almost entirely meaningless. For one, I write things for escapism or to make them more interesting than real life. That’s harder to do, if I’m desperately trying to mimic it. Hell if it’s just to relax, I really don’t understand it. Because reading and writing both take focus, and at that point, why don’t you just go outside? Live the life your writing down. At least slice of life anime or shows, have pretty visuals and music that accompany it. But it's pretty hard to write interesting mundanity, but if you have no desire to write interesting things. It will at least kill some time… [i]Everyone’s a critic, amirite?[/i]