[url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/smile-of-the-ocean-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190518/6d22b8d7c21f48ede51f5640103840b4.png[/img][/url] The only thing different about today was the fact that she had to go to this new school. unfortunately, she had no say in the matter, she was only fifteen after all and who in their right f'd up mine would let a fifteen-year-old make large life decisions. Kira would have run away if it were for the large escort that the school sent along to pick her up from the airport. She loathed being babysat by this humongous brute who she tried to evade thousands of times before they arrived at the school in a Black sedan with child locks. At one point she thought Maybe I can squeeze through the window... or grab the wheel and pull them off the road and into a ditch killing them both. She smirked at this thought and glanced over to THE HULK, who was driving the car. Maybe she could seduce him but that would be rather stupid for a school to employ a pedophile, Even though you would be surprised on how many Kira has been able to fish out. She sat back in her seat with the music blaring into her headphones. The Clash, The Ramones, Music that was fit for a rebel. She plotted her escape the whole car ride but all. She would have to wait it out and pick the right moment to attempt it. So far there was no opportunity. Pulling into the school, Kira glanced out the window to the large gated complex that was really just a prison in disguise. A few staff members waited inside the gates and hulky got out of the car and walked around, opening the trunk and then the back door. She stepped out of the car, wearing an outfit that left little to the imagination. Cut off blue shorts, a tank top that exposed her midriff and a baggy plaid tee shirt that she got from a guy she shacked up with before being caught and placed back in the system. Icy orbs looked to the ones in charge and she picked up her bag, placing it over her shoulder. her headphone still on as their lips moved and she purposely turned the music up louder. Her personal bodyguard jerked them off of her head and stuffed them into her backpack " Watch it" she jerked away from him and they lead her through the school [color=f9ad81]" Ms. Graves"[/color] a lengthy woman in a nice black suit. She obviously gets paid well addressed her and Kira sighed [color=92278f]" The one and only.."[/color] her own words struck her deeply at the realization of how true this statement was and she tried to redirect her pain into something else [color=92278f]"Nice place you have here, How many orphans did it take to build it?" [/color][color=f9ad81]"Kira"[/color] The lady in black spoke"[color=fdc68a] I understand that this is a big change for you. I know that this is a commitment that you rather not be involved in but after reviewing your records. I must say with the highest assurance that this school is the best place for you. Luckily I knew the judge manner who agreed that you have much potential and if only if guided in the right direction could be a fitful member of society. I Know that your parents would ..."[/color] Kira Icy orbs grew fiery as she mentioned her parents and she interrupted her[color=92278f]" Dont..youdare... Talk to me about my parents "[/color] Her words on the edge of a threat for harm if she did. The principal must of sense this and the watched Kira's body turns to neutral to aggressive. Like a lioness ready to pounce and devour her whole. The Principle cleared her throat [color=f9ad81]" very well... I must inform you Violence is not tolerated here at Jarkuu High. Those who Violate this rule will receive severe consequences. There will be a welcome pack in your dorm room with the rest of the school rules as well as your Itinerary and the school map, of course, Well if that is all Kira. Jameson here will show you to your dorm. Get settled and met your new roommate. I'll see you at mandatory group counseling tomorrow morning. " [/color]With that said she left her with her posy to greet other new students. The place was riddled with narks and angry looking students who glared at her as she walked by. A group of girls in particular. Kira stared back [color=92278f]" what the fuck is your problem.."[/color] She mumbled and her escort, Jameson, pushed her along "[color=92278f] touch me again and I'll scream rape[/color]" she growled and shoveled past everyone to her dorm room on the third floor in the girl's wing. She sighed and plopped her stuff down in the middle of it. Her roommate either not present or wasn't assigned yet.[color=92278f]" Alright, I'm here, Bruce banner now off with you, you're taking up my oxygen"[/color] He closed the door behind her and heard a loud lock " [color=92278f]did you just!... No...no.. no [/color]" she went over to the door and tried to jerk it open. she kicked and screamed and hit objects against it. Nothing worked " [color=92278f]Did not just lock me the fuck in here! "[/color] It was useless and he was gone. she stacked a chair outside her door to look up into the sliver of thick plexiglass window that was above the door, Peaking into the empty hallway. She checked the windows, barred. Giving up she plopped down onto her bed, at least the one she claimed and stared absentmindedly at the ceiling:::