From what Donovan could remember it was his first time ever in Sunfire. It was hard for him to sustain his disbelief upon seeing the massive tree and even more so when he realized that people lived inside of it. [color=orangered]"Wow,"[/color] he stopped along the bridge to marvel the architectural masterpiece. As a builder himself, he could appreciate the work that must have gone into making life within the tree possible. Then he remembered why he was there. He wasn't sightseeing. They had work to do. Snapping Donovan out of his trace was a bark from Torch. [color=orangered]"Right,"[/color] Donovan muttered before crossing the bridge entirely. It surprised Donovan that he was able to waltz straight into the town with Torch walking loosely. Once inside, he was jolted by culture shock as he now got witness life within Sunfire firsthand. It didn't take long for his sights to be directed to the Taxis HQ and the banana eating guard that was close by. [color=orangered][i]He seems like someone who would be in the know.[/i][/color] Although Donovan was only making an assumption, he felt that it was expected for guards to have a grasp of the town's ongoings. A missing child was a big deal. Surely he would at least know who was looking for him. [color=orangered]"Hey,"[/color] Donovan casually greeted the guard as he approached him. [color=orangered]"I'm a monster tamer looking to help an old woman who lost her grandson. Know where I can find her?"[/color] As he spoke Torch sat down next to him. The Magma Dog studied the guard with curiosity, his mouth hanging open to show his sharp teeth while he panted. [@Rai]