[url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/smile-of-the-ocean-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190518/6d22b8d7c21f48ede51f5640103840b4.png[/img][/url] [hider=KIRA] [img]https://i.imgur.com/j5tmAPfl.jpg[/img] Name: Kira Age:15 years old Height: 5’2 Petite body type Weight: 102 Ib Kira is new to town and has been enrolled into school by the state after multiple attempts to Place Kira with a foster family.kira has been in twelve different foster homes And 5 different states within over a year. Due to Kira inability to secure a proper home due to her disruptive and disturbing behaveoir. Her file includes many disturbing details of arson, physical and even sexual violence. After her last incident, Kira was finally reevaluated as mentally unfit and is considered a flight risk. Instead of putting Kira in an overcrowded mental institution. she was Placed here in Jakku High. Kira is aggressive with fits of mania and violent tendencies. She displays little remorse for her actions. She doesn’t like anyone in her personal bubble or to touch her. She is Bi-Polar She does have a soft spot for Nature and Animals [/hider]