[@Cio][@Eviledd1984] Beck watched in quiet disbelief as Aava seemed to 'take' Evren's tears. She thought she'd seen something earlier, but now it was right in front of her. Officer Booth didn't seem to notice, more focused on keeping a firm grip on Evren and trying to ignore the taunting wave from the tattooed man as he was taken away by the lieutenant detective. She'd heard of elemental powers, mostly from old Orloks with a yarn to spin... like Evren. Like a bolt of lightning had hit her she recalled a story he'd told her about a Finnish woman who lived in a lake; she thought he was lying or hallucinating, all of it sounded so ridiculous when she recorded the interview that she thought about wiping the tape afterward. Oddly she'd imagined a mermaid or something, Evren had described her as being like a fish and she didn't really know what that meant at the time. Metaphors from a thousand-year-old recluse sometimes didn't always ring true with the twenty-two year old veteran. Was this algal-haired little creature really the cannibalistic water woman Evren had told her about? She suddenly had some reservations about letting her in the Volkswagen, but it was a little late for that. She didn't always trust Evren; he was very weird, a bit histrionic, and was very irresponsible about keeping fed. He was usually so starved that he couldn't think straight, and would go on like that until he would black out and end up killing someone without even knowing it. There was a time when she feared she'd be next, but it didn't take long to realize he wasn't much a match for anyone. [color=cc3300]"Hannelore,"[/color] Evren spoke, interrupting her thoughts. [color=cc3300]"... thank you. For everything."[/color] She kept her expression neutral but nodded. It wasn't about Evren, not for Beck. It was about experience, knowledge, and helping anyone she could. [color=silver]"It's not a favor."[/color] Evren seemed like he might respond to that, but the officers were getting impatient. He pulled him a few steps back, and lead him to the cruiser. [color=royalblue]"Time's up, sorry."[/color] [color=cc3300]"[i]Minun vesililja! Lupaan! Lupaan![/i]"[/color] He called hurriedly as Booth forced him into the back of the cop car. Beck put a hand on Aava's shoulder, just in case she made a mad dash after him. The vampire stared helplessly at them as the car revved to life and took him away into the town, disappearing down the cobblestone road. [color=silver]"My car is over here."[/color] Beck tried to gently lead Aava to the van, careful not to be forceful or evoke the kind of behavior she'd just watched Evren be subjected to. She opened the passenger door and held it, waiting for her to get in. The detective drummed her fingers once across the steering wheel. [color=steelblue]"Reminds me of some folks I knew in Boston."[/color] she added, a bit thoughtful. Apparently bored with Hayato she picked up her radio to let the station know what was going on. [color=steelblue]"State unit 19 inbound with male suspect in custody following altercation on Hutter Way. Local unit 22 following with second male suspect. Female at scene released to a neighbor."[/color] [color=royalblue]"Released to a neighbor?"[/color] a male voice crackled back. [color=steelblue]"Noncommunicative, injured, neighbor took her to the hospital. Another unit can catch up with her later, if we need witness testimony or anyone presses charges. Altercation was caught on video."[/color] Sheridan replied, effortlessly glossing over the policy violations she'd made and distracting the other party with the good fortune of having a recording of the crime. There was a brief pause before the person on the other end gave a pleased 'over and out,' and the detective replied in kind before silencing the radio.