Huh, two Mortimers, what are the odds? [@Timemaster] Multiple characters are fine! So, a couple things: Do keep in mind that practicing necromancy in the open is kind of a no-go, so he'll need to be careful where he uses some of those spells. Secondly, if you wouldn't mind, could you PM some information about what the staff does? Lastly, with how his backstory turned out, would you say it's likely he was directed to the Academy by one of the surviving Witchfinders? [@Lord of Evil] Looks great, just one small quibble with a detail in the short history: summoning Demons is almost always super dangerous, both because the process can be very volatile and because some Demons are world-threatening, so Richard's father probably wouldn't have managed to summon multiple Demons physically, though communing with them would certainly be an option, and then maybe an actual summoning when he disappeared. Secondly, and this is super minor, but not all Demons come from the same plane at least as far as anyone can tell, so its likely that Mortimer's political schemes would've either occurred in the human world or another plane besides his own, which actually lines up pretty well since most Demons travel between planes because their own homeplane was destroyed, so maybe some of Mort's schemes reached world-ending proportions. This could cause some fun issues if he happens to encounter another Demon. But other than that everything looks good! If you're cool with making some slight tweaks to the history you're welcome to add him to the character tab. [@Hammerman] I'm more than willing to help you come up with one if you want!