"Karina it is." He said as he noted her displeasure at being called Karlie. He would then add as he continued speaking to her, "Agreed about this cult needing to be destroyed. Although at this point I think they're spreading, the question being just how far and can we put a dent in their plans. The good thing is we got something of a plan to set-up right? We get you to to the tower, we find out more about this 'watch', and if they're worth a damn we can use them to help find that seed and destroy it. Of course there's more steps in between but something about you tells me you're good at this sort of thing and can probably help fill them out." The man turned his attentions to Týfurkh who had now began speaking to him. "You can call me whatever you want Týfurkh. People seem to be using DB the most so that'll work for now. As for that mysterious man, yeah I've met him on the first night here in town. There were others there as well. Karina, Chres, the guy with the cat. Popped in and did some weird magic and told us about the incoming attack by the cultists. Said we could either die or join in and live to fight the cult. Told us about the cult and the seed. Then the cultists attacked and well, you know the rest." As they walked he noticed how empty and sad the town seemed following the chaos. Even more so was the decorations which were half-hardheartedly set up. It occurred to him that perhaps there was a festival or some other event to be happening. He then looked at the group but really addressing Týfurkh's question said, "As for me. Well let's just say buy me some good wine and if we find some quiet time, I'll tell you about my two real names and what's a vagabond like me doing here." Despite the sort of playfulness in his invitation for them to press him on more information, there was a slip of repressed pain in his look and voice. It was suggestive that perhaps he really was being sincere in needing some liquid courage to tell something that was painful to him.