"Any and all hive-world resident are urged to make their way to level 30, locomotive station and board the Indomitable Spirit. This is not a drill." The speakers yelled amidst the sirens. A desperate plea of salvation for the hive-city's citizens. However fewer and fewer arrived. Shot down and stalled outside on the streets that lead to the station. Only a fortunate few managed to trickle in. "Any and all..." The vox message was cut short. For a good minute or so, there was only the eerie sound static that flooded the battlefield. Sister Prime noticed and gave notice while she suppressed the cultist with her bolter pistol. After the silence, a voice that sounded barely human spoke on the vox. "Give up! We have you surrounded!" The voice yelled in a rabid growl. "You cannot escape! Surrender and you will live to fight another day." Orine snarled. Heretics trying to sway the frightened faithful. "Canoness!" One of the PDF's yelled. She turned her attention towards him. "We have an hour before the reactors explode!" The soldier yelled out. "Also the governor's palace has collapsed! Level two and three are just minutes away from collapsing!" Orine nodded and headed inside the bridge of the engine. "Tech-priest!" She yelled out. Trying to find the engiseer in charge of the machine. Several servitors passed her as she made her way through the narrow and choked passages of the inner engine. Soon enough she was met by two red optic sensors and a host of mechadendrite tentacles performing different task. Orine was just about to call his attention when she felt something move. A sudden vibration that shook the entire engine. Then the sound of the machine coming to life. Pistons, electrical wires and coolant pipes. The Indomitable Spirit was awake. "Carry on tech-priest." Orine simply said as she made her way back up into the fight. They were just about ready to leave. Emperor knows it wasn't soon enough.