Kalinda sighed. Her wolfhound, Cosmic looked up from laying by her feet as she sat on a bench in a park. "Another failed interview" She said to him, "I really need to find a job. My saving's aren't going to last forever, not with the way we eat" the trouble was, she didn't right know how to act in an interview. she didn't right know how to act with people in general. What was she doing wrong? "At this rate, we will be homeless, and I don't like our chances of surviving without letting the normals know what I am" Kalinda sighed again. Cosmic appeared to contemplate this thought, then laid his head back down. Now, if she could find something to do with animals, she would be happy. She grimaced as her stomach rumbled. She couldn't justify getting something to eat when she had just eaten thirty minutes ago. The troube was, she was hungry all the time. And Cosmic wasn't much better.