One moment, Erika was trying to find a way to position the shelf so that she’d be able to slide the woman out from under it then she blinked and poof, the woman was gone and a grey blur was disappearing out of her line of sight. A second passed where she owlishly gaped at the now unoccupied spot where the woman used to be before realisation hit her. Letting the shelf fall with a clang, she looked in the direction the blur disappeared in, an amused smile hidden by her mask. Were she a lesser person, she might have been irritated at him, but as things were she is just happy that the woman and kid was safe and as she was not above laughing at herself, she is willing to admit that her expression when she saw that the woman was gone was probably hilarious. Her mirth however was short-lived as the rumbling sound of a building on the verge of complete collapse filled her ears. Not wasting a second, her legs immediately started carrying her to the exit, her eyes peeled for anybody else still in the building as she went. Personally, the building collapsing in and of itself is something that she’s reasonably sure that she’d be able to survive, but the heat is already really intense and her mask wont protects her from the smoke forever, so suffocation if she ends up trapped is a real possibility and she is not about to go out that way. If her life is to end prematurely, it’ll be doing something totally epic, possibly fighting a really dangerous villain, she refuses to be taken out by a building-turned-bonfire! Stumbling slightly over something, she quickly righted herself and gave a sigh of relief at the sign of the exit. Glancing around herself one last time to make sure nobody else was trapped in here, she made her way to the exit, running out just as the sound of crashing objects came from behind her, indicating that the roof had started falling in. A sigh of relief leaving her as she once again breathed in air that wasn't mostly full of smoke. That was a close one.