I'm basically done, but uh--- it turns out that I can't export the sheet to a PDF from Roll20. I can export it to a Vault and then import it to another game there, but I've no way of getting it so I could post it here (I tried to just... print it, but that broke the layout very badly - enough to be unreadable). So hrm, I think I need to transfer all the info over to... a separate sheet. I'll get to that after dinner, but yeah, I'll be able to get the sheet in today for sure! It's just a copy paste job at this point. As for the timeline and such, Ardour is 28, and probably one of the more recent additions to the group. Though I imagine they've done a few jobs together already, yeah. He's-- the kind of guy you wouldn't (and shouldn't) trust very easily, but if they've already worked together, he's been able to show that even though he's shady and has the worst sense of humour, he's always pulled through for the common goal. And from his end, the group has already ended up in his "people i won't betray [s]even if i joke about it[/s]" category.