[hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190202/a7dc8d6c55746f87ec44852f97c97ef0.png[/img][/center][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://i.ibb.co/9NqQ6hf/feelin-cute.jpg[/img] [color=#BA68A6][b]Location:[/b] Casino[/color][/center][hr][hr] Bobbi's eyes widened a moment as she sipped at her drink, which was nearly gone now. Richard's comment surprised her. He was certainly the type who liked to flirt with all of the girls. However, he tended to view her somewhat like his sister. Well, if he banged his head or something she wasn't about to let the advances of an attractive man just lay. [color=BA68A6]"Oh, dat so?"[/color] she inquired, a spark of mischief in her eyes. [color=BA68A6]"Is dat why you ain't had repeats to yahs bed?"[/color] She sucked down the last of her drink so that the straw made that awful 'trying to get the last bits of liquid' sound. She felt quite bad for Casper. It wasn't as if he was intending to behave as if he were a little off and confused. If he had been dabbling in drugs they just tended to do that to a person. Bobbi could remember a time her mother had forgotten that she'd even had a child. She glanced over at her friend and his daughter, thinking perhaps she should say something but Casper seemed to take it all relatively well. And in the end, there were shinies to speak about. Wrinkling her nose at Anastasia she quickly said, [color=BA68A6]"Dah'lin, I know youse had a silvah spoon stuck up yah ass all youse life, but chitlins cannah be left on dems own. Das how ya get dead bébés."[/color] She clucked her tongue at her, the silver spoon comment meant to be playful and not hurtful. Couldn't be her fault that the rich girl didn't know about child care. [color=BA68A6]"Why naw let lil' Yita try? She be a sweet lil' t'ing. No worse an idea den lettin' he be on her own."[/color] She so desperately wanted to be talking about the theft instead of this but it seemed there was much to sort through.