His name is Ardour. Here's his background, for reference (mind, if I need to make edits, parts might change): It's missing the last few years/encounter with the rest of the party still, though. [hider] It's not uncommon for monasteries to take in children with no homes. The remote Brotherhood of the Unwavering is no exception, having raised many an orphan in the past. But when they were offered a Tiefling baby to care for one autumn night nearly three decades ago, they hesitated. The woman offering her baby looked [i]wrong[/i] to them; a Tiefling, yet somehow even closer to a beast than the ones found in big towns. It wasn't until the desperate mother offered them generous coin that they finally accepted her plea, taking in her baby and promising him sanctuary. Be that it was, as time would tell, a sanctuary in name only. Unnerved by the 'infernal child' as they called him, the brothers changed his name from Salrakh to Vice - and though they didn't shun him openly where he could see, the whispers were undeniable and the glances constant. On the rare occasions the monastery dealt with those outside it, they made sure no one knew who lived in the shed behind the main building. Still, the Tiefling boy knew not of a better life. He was fed, clothed, taught in the ways of martial arts and nature, and whenever dusk came he was allowed to roam the forests that surrounded the monastery. For over a decade, that was more than enough for him. Then trouble brewed. Someone broke into the monastery one evening, stealing valuables and damaging property. A search was carried out in the nearby forest, and Vice ventured deeper than he ever had before. It was then that he happened upon [i]her[/i]. Another that bore the same curse as he did; a Tiefling, around his age. She was unlike the monks at the monastery, and somewhat unlike him, too; though they looked similar, she behaved like a wild one, crouching and growling at his approach. Still, he pressed on, and she eventually spoke. Infernal - his language. Before the two could talk any further however, the brothers found them - and at the sight of her, prepared their ki for a battle. They blamed [i]her [/i]for the break-ins and the thievery, and refused to listen when Vice tried to defend her. It was clear that she did not care for treasure nor money, he argued; she was just startled by the noise. Yet despite his efforts, a fight broke out. He managed to get into the midst of it, distracting the monks just enough for her to slip away - but in doing so, he sealed his own fate. He was banished as a traitor and left to fend for himself in a world he did not know. The next few years were as difficult as they come, and the threat of death was a constant companion on his travels. Vice knew and loved the forest, but he could only live there for so long before necessity pushed him to find humanoid settlements. He was willing to work for his bread, eagerly trying to help and talk to everyone he saw - but the few that spared him a glance did not do so with kindness in their gaze. It soon became clear to him that his was cursed blood, and it had doomed him from birth. He ended up associating himself with others who society shunned; cutthroats, thieves and scoundrels. They had no more love for him than the rest did, but they were always interested in a few extra hands and eyes, particularly if no payment was involved. Vice became a spy, a little bird that carried information from one place to the next, finding his home in the shadows. In time, he combined such expertise with his teachings as a monk and became able to fend for himself. He travelled more, carried information farther and farther, saw more places, more hatred, and met with others of his kind. His home became the small settlements on the edges of towns and slums, where Tieflings made their nests. Wherever he went, he saw that coin talked, and power silenced. It became increasingly clear what he should do if he wished to get off the streets and change the way people looked at him. All he needed was power. Not the kind that came with strength - but the kind that came with [i]gold[/i]. Eventually, he did what many Tieflings do: he changed his name. Once known as Salrakh by his mother and Vice by the monastery, he opted for the name Ardour; 'passion and devotion to a cause' - [i]his [/i]cause.[/hider] I've also got a blurb on his ideals/goals/some of his personality that I wrote when I was formulating him. Some details in it might change but it gives a general gist. I can post it here as well/summarize it, if you'd like. [@lauder] [quote=@Cao the Exiled] @vertigo Have you tried using Myth weaver? [/quote] I haven't yet, though I saw someone else use it and the format looked very clean. I might just transfer my things over there, if/when approved.