guysguysguys All the sheets are pretty much done. Just waiting on a few small things. [i]We can start SOON[/i] So far the party has been together two years max. The most recent character to join was Lin as a direct result of the Drow raid. Ardour also joined pretty recently prior to that, but you've done a few jobs with him now, [s]even if he's sketchy as hell[/s]. So far only [@Lauder] has put forward a party event. Let me know if y'all are deeply overwhelmed or perturbed with the worldbuilding stuff, because worst comes to worst we can say the party originally worked under an organisation until recently (say, a convenient Guild of Adventuring or as part of a larger mercenary outfit) that you all trickled into, until you were ready to split off on your own as your own party ala raiding the Dungeon of the Mad Mage.