[@Lauder] True, I'm just getting excited! [@DTHar] up to you how detailed you want to make events. I'm happy with just having a jist of things for myself personally, but as y'all are playing the party members, leaving your histories too grey might lead to some misinterpretations of things. I'd like each player to think of one event preferably, but it doesn't necessarily have to be a huge event. You could, for example, decide to pick an event that happened during the drow-adventure. [hider=Pinglist][@Cao the Exiled][@Vertigo][@duskshine749][@Ellri][/hider] If you want to buy from the Equipment/inventory tables in the PHB you are allowed to do so before game start, excluding magical items and things, using the gold your character has. When the IC is up and running we'll be starting in the tavern leading to the Dungeon, so feel free to stock up on supplies now, because the next opportunity may be some time away. I'm a little old school so food and drink, lighting, ammo, ect will be taken into account. Happy spending :)