Copied over all the info to a new sheet! Hopefully. If I missed something, let me know and I'll fix it asap tomorrow. Here's the goals/ideals thing I mentioned, just in case. I wrote it for myself, so it's a bit... wordy and messy. Some things might change once the game starts and I actually get to write and get into his head, but it's the baseline, and also explains how, even though he's Lawful [i]Evil[/i], he should not Fuck Everything Up (tm). [hider]Though his selfishness, his bitterness, mistrust towards the general populace, and lack of empathy for anyone that does not share Tiefling blood paint him as someone of the Evil denomination, Ardour is by no means a cackling villain bent on world destruction. Quite reasonable and calm most of the time, his goals are much simpler, if still grandeur. What he seeks is recognition, acceptance, perhaps even a taste of reverence - not only for him, but the rest of his kin. He's seen the way Tieflings live, huddled in dark alleys, hidden underground away from gazes that burn. It's no way to live. He tried to change things through kindness once, but like his brethren before him, it was an attempt doomed to fail. The world at large is simply too hateful to pay any attention to the good deeds of Tieflings. So, now, he's decided to pursue his goals another way, by amassing power and riches through any means necessary. Those with power and coin are respected - if fearfully - irregardless of their appearance. It is his hope that once he's at the top, perhaps he can make things better for his kind. He finds great value in money, connections and information, and like a greedy dragon in its lair, tries to horde all of it. With that said, there's honour among thieves - not that he would willfully refer to himself as such in the first place. He tends to operate on the verges of law, rather than directly against it, and favours trade and exchanges more than theft. Information is what he deals in, mostly. That isn't to say that coin or treasure has never illegally changed owners in his presence, but he will not con those that work with him out of their share or pick every pocket that happens upon his path, for example. He isn't a con-artist, either, lacking the charisma for it. In addition, while his memories of the monastery itself are not great, he has not forgotten all that he learnt there. He appreciates nature and animals, to a point that he will never willfully bring harm to either, and may even defend them from others. He will always repay a debt to the best of his ability. Also, having been taught in the ways of balance and order, chaos isn't something he condones or seeks to cause. He's found that following the laws - at least superficially - yields him better and more reliable results, and ensures a more stable future. In a similar vein, he is not one to cause undue conflict within a group that benefits him, such as among informants, partners in crime or party members. Most of the time, he will defer to the majority at a time of decision. Finally, he will always keep his word, and not utter a lie - or so [i]he [/i]says. But just look at him; is that a face that would lie to you? ... Yes. Yes, it is. He isn't terribly good at hiding it.[/hider] Will think on the party event and things tomorrow, once I reread everything and have a fresh set of eyes and brain! EDIT: Ooh, I might buy something, though--- is our starting gold what we're given in our background? Because if so, ha, not sure I can do much with 15 gold.