Alright, so I'm still working on the backstory and whatnot of my Vampire Stand User, but I've got a rough draft of the Stand sheet ready. I'd rather not maintain radio silence until I complete the former, so here it is: [hider=Stardust] Name: Stardust Namesake: The album and headlining song from Willie Nelson. Appearance: Stardust mostly manifests as small, light-refracting particles that hang around in the air around the user and any instruments that they carry. However, when in use, Stardust also manifests in the form of the individuals that the user channels, in addition to small light-refracting particles in a cloud that surrounds the subjects of channeling. Type: Phenomenon. Destructive Power: C Speed: B. Range: A. Durability: D. Precision: A. Developmental Potential: B. Ability: By playing a melody associated with someone the user thinks about, the user is able to summon and communicate with the spirit of that person. As it provides an avatar for the spirit that is identical to the one it possessed in life, practically speaking Stardust's manifestation is that avatar.[/hider]