[img]https://external-preview.redd.it/c9QyudCfSuapvvWJwWXooKU77RF4gkym0ep2dgyr0Fo.jpg?width=960&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=610f3209b1142d9394b2b38da1923dbacf584487[/img] [i][b]Landscapes And Cities (As Discovered):[/b][/i] Coven- Compact port city with interwoven areas of high wealth and shantytowns. [b][i]The Races Of The Land and Surrounding Areas: [/i][/b] Orc Drow Human Elven Halflings [i][b]Creatures and Other Entities (As Known to Livingkind.):[/b][/i] Nighthounds: Predatory creatures more shadow like than actual dog, almost seems to swallow it's prey whole. Rumored to be old pack hounds neglected by their previous owners a very long time ago.