[b][u]Claudia Amelie Lucille DeFeren[/u][/b] [img]https://randomcasesofnothing.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/wpid-1309141954582446-characteristics-of-an-earth-witch.jpg[/img] Age: 23 Race: Human For Claudia, there is no better life than the life of a bard. Born into nobility, her future was looking bright. Her parents were both high ranking members of the royal court, rich landowners who had a farm in the green hills. However, as Claudia grew from childhood to adolescence, she grew bored of the noble life and yearned for a life of adventure. Extravagant parties, men coming to court her, flouncy dresses and gaudy jewelry, it was enough to drive her mad, and so one day, against her parents' wishes, she decided to leave. Life on the street was difficult at first. She had no money at all and what little she could gather to eat were just dingy scraps of bread and moldy cheese. She had thought she had made a mistake running away, until one night in a tavern, she heard a bard playing his lute and singing a beautiful ballad. The way his voice entranced her and the crowd...it was like magic. She had never heard such a lovely sound as he plucked the strings and sang softly. When the man finished his performance, Claudia approached him. She wanted to learn how to play just like him, especially after seeing how much gold he made afterwards. Lucky for her, the bard was besmirched by her natural beauty and decided to take her on as an apprentice. Over the years, Claudia traveled with the bard across the land. He taught her the many tricks of the trade, such as how to play the lute and sing in a way that captivated the crowd. The bard was also an adept swordsman and taught Claudia the finer points of handling a rapier, should the need for one arise. Alas, her apprenticeship with the bard would not last forever. While Claudia merely saw him as her teacher and a dear friend, the bard had deeper, more lustful feelings toward her. One night, after he had drunken too much wine, the bard forced himself upon Claudia. Claudia fought back, and in a desperate bid, she ended up stabbing him through the gut with her rapier. The bard, realizing what he had done, begged Claudia's forgiveness before he died with a look of regret upon his face. Claudia, though traumatized by his sudden advance, managed to forgive the bard and grieved his loss. She buried him then resumed her travels alone. Albeit saddened by the loss of her mentor, Claudia enjoys the life of a traveling songstress. There are always taverns full of strong drink and plenty of lovely barmaids to charm, as well as an audience willing to pay coin for a song or two, whether it be a sweeping epic of battles long fought or a beautiful sonnet of love and romance.