Arthur's ability do deal with people was quite a change from what Hogan was used to. Normally Hogan would have to remain out of sight or would get deployed on missions that took place far from the city, so getting himself smuggled into the backstage area of a massive event was quite the change. Not that Hogan was complaining. He got to sit here under a blanket and not move for ages. It wasn't until Hogan heard the brothers asked for a volunteer to partake in their next trick did Hogan's interest get peeked. There was still Leonard, Mieke and Blue in the crowd and while the chances for one of them getting picked it wasn't impossible. Hogan slowly slid out form under the sheet that had been draped over him and got into a position where he could see. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust to the light, but when it did he wasn't super pleased with what he saw. Mieke had been picked... Out of the three Allies he had in the crowd the light managed to land on the one with the least experience. Though the more Hogan thought about it he wasn't sure this was a coincidence. Mieke was the one who'd seen the brothers performance before, so perhaps this was a tactic to capture her. Hogan's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of cracking knuckles, looking up Hogan saw that Arthur didn't look too pleased about this either. Hogan slinked back out of the light and back behind Arthur. As much as Hogan wanted to run out onto the stage and just take the brothers down, doing so in front of a giant crowd would be terrible. Laws weren't so nice to Crocodiles, if Hogan was caught biting someone in public then people would be calling for his head. If a human bites another human the worst thing that could happen to them is probably a couple years of jail time. Hogan dropped his body to the floor with a slight thud. All he could do now was wait, as frustrating as that was. It was his only real option.