James stood, wearing a black suit, looking at the guild members around him. He barely knew those that had died, however he did feel sad for those that had known them longer than he. He almost felt like crying. Some people were already crying around him, if not all, he could hardly tell because of the rain, only hear the whimpers and cries of a few. He looked among the faces of the guild members, all looking sad, with a few looking strong. James couldn't help it, he started to cry quietly, not so much as a peep coming out from him but the tears spilling from his eyes like a small waterfall. As Natsu began to read the note, James sighed. "A vote?" The boy said, his voice a whisper, "I'll vote, even though I disagree at the fact that we are doing the vote at a funeral." He thought for a while, then decided. "I vote for Lockheart." James said, and raised his fist to signify that he had voted. Tears still cascaded from his eyes, but he wiped them away with his free hand, even though he knew more would just spill out.