Below are the basic details regarding the War of the Crazed. I'll add it to the original OOC. [hr] 27 years ago, The Nation of Smell was thrown into turmoil. An uprising had begun by those who by magic users who had been long been deemed dangerous. Regulated magic users, doomed to the insanity of the Crazed. In some nations, like the Nation of Sight, these magic users were locked up the moment they showed signs of insanity. In other places, like the Nation of Touch, those who became the Crazed, were rounded up and executed. In the Nation of Smell, however, a nation where cleanliness and trade governed all, Regulated magic users were deemed unclean and unworthy of living out a normal life. One of three fates befell upon those born to such magic, in the Nation of Smell. Death was the most common fate among the wealthy. Regulated magic users, belonging to wealthy families, were killed on the spot after showing signs of having such magic. Unfit to bear the family's name. Among the poor, regulated magic user were enslaved. Sold for a pretty penny, to the country's slave traders. For those who had decided to hide their abilities, only to be discovered later in life, these people were exiled to The Dead Sands, a place where death was certain and none could survive. Except.... one did survive. Hleigar, son of the Nation of Smell's Mistress of Merchants, could not bring herself to kill her son. Instead she kept his power a secret. Covering up the murders he committed. Sending away or buying the silence of those who were close to and/or discovered the truth. To her own grief and sorrow, this secret lead to the death of her only daughter by Hleigar's hands. It was a tragedy to the family, most great, for only a female could be heir to the title of Mistress of Merchants. The secret could be secret no longer. 21 years of age, Hleigar was exiled. Sentenced to die amongst The Dead Sands. Left to his own, he had hatched a plan to seek revenge upon the mother who had left him to die and the people who had sentenced his kind to live their life in fear. Hleigar had learned to survive the horrors of The Dead Sands. With that knowledge he sought out other recently exiled, taught them what they needed to know and became their King. Hleigar, King of the Crazed. Five years passed without a word from Hleigar, and things continued as they often did. Until one day Hleigar returned, with an army of Crazed behind him. Caught unprepared, the lands of the Nation of Smell crumbled before his army. He conquered each town, one by one. Freeing his people of their slavery, while enslaving those who he no longer considered his people. With no choice but to follow his rule, the people, Hleigar's word became law in the Nation of Smell. As the Nation fell, Hleigar set his sights on the Nation of Taste and Hearing. And so began The War of the Crazed. A War that lasted for five long years. In the end, Hleigar was vanquished. His army scattered across the lands. Hiding and waiting for the right time to strike. Fearful of the hunters who seek their heads. The Nation of Smell's recovery was slow. Where once there was only one Mistress of Merchants, now there are several. Each seek control over the Nation's trade network.