[center][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/fategrandorder/images/0/0b/Hectoraf.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/337?cb=20180428131955[/img][/center] [h1][center][b]Dude, Where's my Shining Helmet?[/b][/center][/h1] [sup][center]Core District, Outside his Master's Workshop[/center][/sup] [sup][center](Temporary Player Change)[/center][/sup] [hr] The golden spear was stopped, avoided, and deflected numerous times. Despite all his guile, it seemed he had been seen through by this Rider who fought without a weapon. Even as the two went at it, clashing spearmanship with martial arts twenty or thirty times in a few instants, both their expressions remained fairly pleasant, and the words they exchanged continued to be honest compliments and friendly provocations. It surely would have made for a mystifying scene if an observer did not know that both men were refraining from releasing powerful crystallized mysteries that would have made their current attacks seem painfully inadequate. [b]"Ahaha, even if you flatter this old geezer, I'm not going to let you in."[/b] Lancer couldn't be sure exactly how Rider was reacting so easily to each of his moves, but the gist of it seemed to be something like 'future sight'. In that case, his favoured trickery and single-combat moves honed in battle would ultimately be guaranteed to fail, would they not? If that was the case, he would just put his focus elsewhere. If victory could not be reached through skill, then Hector would turn to his physical superiority to solve the problem at hand. Thus, the possible 'gaps' and 'lapses' Sylvester was searching for would one-by-one begin to shrink and vanish. Hector was a Lancer. The fastest class. As such, Rider's predictions would still inform him of attacks, but now certain difficult decisions would be presented. The gaps in time between the forecasted blows were only getting smaller as the Trojan prince accelerated- if ten strikes are set to land in the same instant, which ones will receive priority from the defender? This was the question posed to Sylvester by Hector's actions. Then, of course, came the result of clashing one's body with an ancient and unbreakable weapon. Even if Sylvester's guard and perception were invincible, his body was not. When a collision happened, Hector would lean greater force into the spear, in an effort to push his enemy back. [b]"I haven't pushed my body this hard in a long while. Forgetting about tricks and just lashing out like a brute is kinda relaxing, y'know?"[/b] [hr] [sup][@Phonic][@Unoedipal][/sup]