[hider=Alice Elliton] [table] [row] [cell] [center] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/f8/2c/0e/f82c0ee6c345dc9ace4d1681c0616f4d.jpg[/img] [/center] [/cell] [cell] [h1]Alice Elliton[/h1] [code] Gender: Female Age: 26 Height: 5 foot four Weight: 114 pounds Occupation: Part time assassin, full time trust fund baby [/code] [/cell] [/row] [/table] [b]Background[/b] [indent]Brief history.[/indent] The pampered daughter of a wealthy american tech billionaire, Alice slathers her life of luxury over instagram, snapchat, facebook, and a dozen other social media sites so hip you haven't even heard of them yet. And if the a cartel rival happens to eat some [i]very[/i] bad shellfish and end up dead whilst on a date with her, or one of Frederika's associates just [i]happens[/i] to take his own life hours after appearing in the background of one of her slefies, well, that's just an unfortunate coincidence, isn't it? It couldn't [i]possibly[/i] be because of Alice. Not a chance. [b]Resources[/b] [indent] 1 - [url= https://www.argos.co.uk/product/8726788?cmpid=GS001&_$ja=tsid:59158|acid:532-198-3455|cid:200290250|agid:12504931010|tid:aud-641224040817:pla-653495705229|crid:66128553650|nw:g|rnd:1160002468395913174|dvc:c|adp:1o1|mt:|loc:9046509&gclid=Cj0KCQjwnpXmBRDUARIsAEo71tQejQQA4nsv0ZWK7ZMcFtHxc6sVoVtH2ZRAl-_v1NjyiWKaKe7YKK0aAr2cEALw_wcB] Her mobile phone [/url] although chances are she'll have a new one in a week 2 - Her [i]other[/i] [s]burner[/s] phone 3 - An American Express 'black card' 4 - Her multi-million dollar trust fund 5 - A safe house containing documentation for at least four different identities and cash 6 - Her own personal stash of high quality cocaine 7 - friends in high places, built up over time, she has connections with just about anyone who's anyone 8 - A hidden collection of interesting, exotic, and incredibly deadly poisons - her usual weapon of choice [/indent] [b]Crimes[/b] [indent] Among other things... - The murder of an associate, using saxitoxin, a type of poison produced by algae that ends up in shellfish. The man offered to take her on a date to a seafood resteraunt, and Alice arranged for a deadly amount of the poison to end up in his food. - The murder of the boss of a rival gang, staged to look like a pharmacy mistake, Alice replaced the beta-blockers the victim had just been prescribed to help with her tremors with a much higher dose, causing the woman to go overdose and go into cardiac arrest within hours. [/indent] [/hider]