"Not much different than anywhere else I suppose, as long as your the observant type and keep your eyes open, you should be alright." exclaimed the Drow, giving her a brief look over. Elkko took silent notice of her sudden change of perception towards him, his eyebrows raised. He cleared his throat before proceeding to speak to her again. "It's nothing, I speak the truth is all, you do draw quite the crowd and... I do suppose I have the coins, my purse is much more fortunate tonight, the singing is quite pleasant, to the ears I mean." Elkko spoke to the women like he was some kind of nobleman or a higher class figure but he was little more than a street urchin. "I'll stop by, should be quite the [i]spectacle[/i] indeed." He added, sort of mimicking the male he had talked to and robbed so little ago.