[center] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjE0Mi40ODZkZDUuUVdGc2FYbGhhQ0JMYVc1bi4wAAAA/mf-queen-leela.regular.png[/img] [img]https://media1.giphy.com/media/3o7aCV1jsiyNRyXHqw/source.gif[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/1P8CvnI.png[/img][/center] [indent]Another day another uncomfortable situation Aaliyah found herself in. While she did participate in this year’s homecoming she was just a spectator, but now she was guilty by association. Intrusive thoughts of exaggerated outcomes plagued her mind especially the thought of not being able to walk at graduation. Committing seppuku seemed like here only option now for bringing dishonor on her family. She was so engrossed in her head she hadn’t realized that she was sitting nowhere near any of her potential friends once she made it to the auditorium. [color=6593f5][i]”Great job Aaliyah, you really know how to avoid people even when you’re not trying to”[/i][/color] she said in her mind, someone probably taking note of the obscure reactions her face was making unconsciously to her. Hopefully Aaliyah’s prestigious record would keep her from being called down, although her parents were understanding enough to excuse her behavior and most likely end up advocating for her defense. Seeing an angry black woman was nothing short of scary, so at least she had that going for her. Prom really had no weight on her life since she wasn’t planning on going anyways, but the collective groans was enough for to understand not everyone was as thrilled as she was. The announcement of homecoming king and queen had no effect on her either. Unfortunately, the three-hour lecture was just as torturous for her as the rest of the auditorium. The entire time they were being lectured Aaliyah couldn’t help but picture the film from AP Bio, [i]“The Miracle of life”[/i] where she saw her first live birth. Luckily for them no one in their school was pregnant, what a tragedy that would be. After the lecture was over, Aaliyah made her way to the cafeteria looking for somewhere to sit. She thought she caught the glance of Chanel and Julie, but a crowd was already forming around them. Bea was already in the company of Jordan, so she did what all wallflowers would do and sat alone. The bathroom was a close second. [/indent]